
Commercial 013

THE R3 寓所


花開的聲音,可以被聽見嗎?午後雷陣雨前的潮溼氣息,你是否曾經聞過?夜空裡剛捎上的一抹新月,映入你的眼簾了嗎?你又有多久沒有讓腳丫子感受到大地最樸實無華的純粹?……蔣勳曾說,「美,是生活的一部分」,2021年,THE R3寓所的誕生,試圖喚醒人們沈睡已久的五感,在高速奔馳的時代讓生活美學再次成為動詞,重新找回人與人、人與自然、甚至人與自身的連結,因為,只有當我們滋養生活,生活美學才得以真正成為生活美學。


在R3寓所,時間感並非來自0與1,巧妙透過開窗,讓人們在光的流轉中感受到當下、體驗時間。而自然,本無內外,但人類脫離穴居野處後早已遺忘了何謂自然;陽台那一窗從戶外延伸到室內的植栽,模糊了空間的界線,更藉由鋼盆裡那一池清淺,倒映出與時變化的天光。同時,在THE R3寓所裡綠意亦與人相伴,自然所能帶來的適愜,是人們心靈底層最深刻的追尋。人與自我關係的對話,則最能在獨處時展現,特意於洗手間創造出如天井般的光影,這個靜謐時分讓人彷彿聽見宇宙的呢喃,再加上感應式天空出水與從玻璃磚牆灑入的隱約樹影,不經意間,你將發現自己就安住在這一分一秒裡。


至於生活裡的似曾相識,都是我們與世界共處過的曾經,然而你是否被這些日常給框住了想像、習以為常?再普通不過的水溝蓋變身成玄關入口,踏進THE R3寓所的第一步就是個驚喜;想要打開THE R3寓所的大門,由腳踏車零件所構成的旋轉構件,偷偷掀起所有來者的好奇心;步入玄關廊道後右側那一牆粗獷的水泥板,竟是陰晦地下室裡常見的中空水泥板不加修飾以其原貌呈現;靠窗那一片像是三、四〇年代顆粒粗糙的老屋牆面,則是以陶砂骨材處理而成……這些熟悉的材料、元素經過再詮釋與再設計,打破的,不只是室內與室外、材料與材料之間的可能,更打破了人們感知的慣性,因為THE R3寓所認為,觀看的角度永遠都不可能只有一種,多一分再思考將會擁有更多不同的感受。


誠如希臘大哲學家亞里斯多德所言,感官所察覺到的一切都將成為智慧的泉源,以生活美學平台自許的THE R3寓所,將透過Revival/喚醒、Reforming/蛻變與Relations/關係,三個軸心開展出各色藝文活動,讓美經由各種形式滲入生活的最細微處、讓美學成為如呼吸般的體驗與存在。同時,因著這樣的初衷,THE R3寓所更將成為揉合感官與情緒的第三空間(thirdspace);在這個第三空間裡,空間、人、加乘以時間,THE R3寓所不僅將成為所有參與者最靈動的美學之眼,這一個個觸動生命的珍貴時刻,亦將形成漣漪,讓美好價值持續擴散。


  • THE R3sidence
  • Can the sound of florescence be heard? Have you ever perceive the dampness before thundershower? Does the crescent in the night sky greets to your eyes? And how long haven’t your barefeet stamp on the unadulterated purity of our land? Master Chiang Hsun once said, "Beauty, is part of our life."

    2021 was our birth, TheR3sidence  dedicate to awake our five sense experience from the deep sleep. Let Life aesthetics becomes verb again in this rapid era and takes the lead to connect between man, man and nature, and even man himself. For once we nourish our life, can life aesthetics comes true.

  • In The R3sidence , sense of time comes non from 0 and 1, but to feel the present and experience time in the circulation of time through the contraption of window. There is no precisely definition of nature, since human have forgotten what nature means after dwelling away from the cave. The plants reach through the balcony window blur the boundaries of space dimension while the turns of light and shadow from the shallow pool reflects the passage of time. Meanwhile, greenery in TheR3sidence accompanied with people, the comfort it brings is the deepest desire of people's souls. The dialogue between people and himself is best demonstrated when being alone, The R3sidence deliberately creating a patio- designed Exhibitions of light and shadow in the bathroom. This quiet time may hear the whisper of the universe, coupled with the sensor sky sprinkling and tree shadow penetrates faintly through the glass brick wall. You will find yourself peace and quiet in these seconds harmoniously.

  • As for the déjà vu in life, it is all about the experience we once lived with the world, but have your imagination restrained and framed by these daily routines? The visit to the TheR3sidence is a surprise journey. Regular drain covers turn into a hallway entrance, rotate structure made of bicycle component secretly arouse the visitors' curiosity. The rough cement on the right side of the entrance corridor is the cement commonly seen in the dark basement without modification; the other by the window looks rough-grained in the 1930s and 1940s. The walls of the old house are processed with quartz sand coating and materials. These familiar materials and elements have been reinterpreted and redesigned to show the indoors and outdoors as well. The possibility between materials also breaks our perception habits. Therefore, TheR3sidence believes that there will not be only one perspective but the whole picture. It put us into other shoes after further thinking.

  • As the great Greek philosopher, Aristotle said, every sense that we perceived will become the source of wisdom. Hence, the R3sidence, which plays the platform of life aesthetics, uses Revival, Reforming, and Relations elements. Such three axes carry out various art and cultural activities. It allows beauty to infiltrate into the most subtle parts of life in multiple forms and make aesthetics like a breathing experience and peaceful existence. Meanwhile, by keeping the original intention, The R3sidence will become a third space that combines senses and emotions, multiplying space, people, and time and being all participants' most agile aesthetic eyes. Such touching and precious moments will also form ripples, allowing the values of beautiful continue spreading around.


  • Designs must be able to merge seamlessly into our daily lives and must build upon the premise of creativity in the everyday, expanding upon the narratives for comfort in a contemporary landscape that focuses on pursuing the latest inventions.

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