



Brand Value

1993年 俱意室內設計成立
俱意設計以線條的單純及空間格局的實用與機能再造為主要訴求,人本精神的注入,以強調空間舒適來自於人的感覺。 設計之於生活,要更能融洽而協調,以「生活」創意之前題,積極開拓時下對居家品質求新求變的舒適論述。 關心所有成員過去、現在及未來的生活需求,做為空間重組的基礎,設計的創意與細膩的工法相互結合,將光影與生活藝術做出完美的比例, 是俱意團隊堅持的信念與態度。

Integrating lights, shadows and the art of living in a perfect balance has been the directive for design at Jiu Yi interior design group.
For fulfilling a more harmonious and coordinated relation between design and life, Designer Ma, the leader of the Jiu Yi interior design co. starts with the premise that life is creativity and progressively explores the contemporary discourse of quality life that calls for novelty and reform.
Since the establishment of the group, with an appeal to the simplicity of lines and reworking the pragmatic functionality of space, we instill the ethos of humanity into our work and are concerned with clients’ needs of life for the past, present and future as a foundational in reworking space. In the meanwhile, integrating creative ideas and refined craftsmanship to improve the quality of living space has also been the code our group follows in design.


  • Designs must be able to merge seamlessly into our daily lives and must build upon the premise of creativity in the everyday, expanding upon the narratives for comfort in a contemporary landscape that focuses on pursuing the latest inventions.

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+886 (2)2768-2668


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2F., No. 27, Xinzhong St., Songshan Dist., Taipei City

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